Monday, December 16, 2013

The New Common Core Talking Points

I just read an editorial in Newsday entitled "Common Misperceptions About the Common Core". The article puts forth in no uncertain terms the talking points of the pro common core faction. The author admits that the rollout of the common core curriculum was fraught with disaster. He admits The State Department of Education made many mistakes. They didn't prepare the curricula, or prepare teachers how to teach it. He also shows fault at the local level by districts not developing their own curricula or training their teachers. He agrees these mistakes caused big, big problems. 

But according to the talking points, that's all over now. Don't worry. Just move along.  The problem was the implementation so now that it's implemented, everything will be fine. Nothing to see here. 

They are trying to get the public to take their eye off the ball. A parent might be persuaded to believe that hey, the government sees they made a mistake and they are fixing it. Isn't that what we want?

We can not take our eyes off the ball. The issue is not implementation. The issue is that our State pushed through a new curriculum that is educationally and developmentally inappropriate for our children.

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